Let me just state for the record – I am not a poet; that distinction goes to my late father. With that in mind, I present to you my reaction to the recent Oscar ™ nominations not in flowery prose, but rather in ‘free verse,’ ya dig?
Kinda reminds me of I Married an Axe Murderer!! 🙂
Decided to do it for fun!
Hi, iluv and company:
Cynical Haiku
Regarding Nominations
and the Awards Show.
Hollywood praises
itself. Hands out Awards for
‘The Artist’ should win!
But it won’t. Because it is
far too ‘Avant Garde’.
Another boring
night. Well choreographed, but
celebrates little.
Annual ego
massage for elites to boost
dwindling ticket sales.
Jack – thanks for participating in the “The iluvcinema Poetry Slam.” I love it 🙂 Keep ’em coming!
I too am hoping The Artist will win. It seems to have a general goodwill but the question will be if it translates with Academy voters.
I was listening to a podcast in which they were talking about the politicking and stuff that goes on behind the scenes.
And then on the CBS morning program, they were talking about the Weinsteins and their success at marketing films “for your consideration.” Read “Shakespeare in Love”
This is why the movie blogosphere is so great it is a relatively unfiltered gathering of opinions of what works (and doesn’t) in the world of cinema.
VERY NICE, Iba!! Love the poem and it’s so spot on. I guess we can pick it apart anyway we like but in the end we’ll still watch the Oscars 😀
Thanks, I was going to do a verse in rhyme but got lazy. Modern, free verse was the way to go 🙂
Great (I hesitate to use ‘poem’) verse… I most certainly dig it! 🙂 This is a unique take on the annual Oscar fuss. I’m sure it won’t be the last Oscars related post I read but It’ll certainly be one I remember.
Nearly never won the race…
Oscar shines his golden head,
he puts his statue kids to bed
Tonight he lets the fleshies in,
they just can’t wait to see who’ll win!
They’d die for just a little peep,
but all names are his to keep
Maybe Michelle though probably Meryl.
Come on the Artist! but fan faves in peril.
Fassbender? Nope! Brooks? Yeah right!
Swinton’s gotta be! Any chance? No hope!
Hmmm… I suppose it’s good that Brad could win
And Jonah too, oh to see his grin!
Nah, Jean’s my guy, he’s quite the thesp!
There’s no way I’m rhyming anything with thesp!
The Tree of Life’s my favourite pick
of all I’ve seen it does the trick.
All in all it’s not THAT bad.
Every now and then, we all go mad! 🙂
Thanks for this opportunity to embarrass myself with my pathetic rhyming skills (I think they have a word for people like me… don’t say it!).
I got a little carried at the end there. Anyway, nice idea!
Ahaha you guys are so imaginative. Nice work Iba and very true 😀
Thanks Castor!