By now, many of you have probably watched, re-watched and processed the latest “The Hobbit”, Part I trailer. Well, that is, unless you are not a Tolkein fan — if that is the case, feel free check it out now (or just bear with me 🙂 ):
Anyways, I would like to get your reaction(s) to it. When I watched this last night, I was rather surprised with the moments of whimsy which it contained. That initial observation aside, it looks absolutely vibrant and lovely!
Share your thoughts below.
Are you looking forward to it?
Yes, it’ll probably be the last flick that I watch in the theaters this year. I’m mildly excited but fretting at how long the movie will be. I know how Peter Jackson does! 🙂
Jay-Dee recently posted..What Can Brown Do For You?
Well I’m already looking forward to this so they don’t need to sell it to me anymore. I like it, it shows how the adventure begins and I think they cast the right actor for the role of Bilbo. Of course I LOVE seeing Richard Armitage and I’m swooning all over hearing his voice narrating parts of this trailer 😀
ruth recently posted..Featurette Spotlight: Les Misérables … Can’t get ‘I Dreamed a Dream’ out of my head!
It looks absolutely stunning, doesn’t it?
I am looking forward to The Hobbit movie. Thanks for the opportunity to share.
Though worried about the 3 film split, this still looks so freaking good!
Pete Turner (@ilovethatfilm) recently posted..Premium Rush Film Club Review
Yup three films for a breeze-through book. That is stretching it. But that is cool. Looking forward to the film regardless.