I have decided to return to something that I have not highlighted in quite some time on my website: overlooked/forgotten gems. so as we close the year out, allow me to submit the 2002 British drama/thriller Dirty Pretty Things for your approval.
Dirty Pretty Things was directed by Stephen Frears and starred Chiwetel Ejiofor and Audrey Tautou, as star-crossed illegal immigrants working in a London hotel. Check out the trailer here:
The film principally deals with themes surrounding the treatment (read: the exploitation) of illegal immigrants inhabiting a world with the more fortunate among us. This film does an admirable job of showing the underworld and how the plight of people who are simply seeking a better way of life often goes ignored.
Have you seen Dirty Pretty Things? Leave a lovely comment below and let me know what you thought of it.
le0pard13 says
I finally screened the film this year. Stephen Frears, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Audrey Tautou did a wonderful job with this. I now see why many had recommended it.
le0pard13 recently posted..2013 in review
iluvcinema says
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Todd Mason says
The first film I saw with Tautou or Sophie Okenedo, who stood out even in this solid cast.
Todd Mason recently posted..Tuesday’s Overlooked Films and Other A/V: year’s end edition: the links
Todd Mason says
Or, even, Okonedo!
Todd Mason recently posted..new links: Friday’s “Forgotten” Books: a slightly less abbreviated year’s end edition
iluvcinema says
Ja says
Damn, another “hidden” gem from “Chewi?” This dude’s filmography is hella-impressive. Need to check this out. He’s chameleon.
Ja recently posted..Ether Flamed Out In 2013 And Looks Forward To 2014
iluvcinema says
A friend in grad school had been banging on for years that I must see this film. Glad I finally got ’round to it. Sat in DVD queue for over a year.
ruth says
Hi Iba! Wow, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Audrey Tautou! I’m intrigued by the premise too, I definitely need to watch this one!
ruth recently posted..FlixChatter Review: NEBRASKA (2013)
iluvcinema says
Yes. You must!
iluvcinema recently posted..Her (2013)