In Beneath the Harvest Sky you have a poignant and evocative coming-of-age story. Set in a small town on the Maine/Canadian border, the movie tells the tale of two friends – the rebellious Casper (Emory Cohen) and the promising Dominic (Callan McAuliffe) – who long for a life far, far away from where they are now. Their plan is simple – save enough money, head to Boston and start afresh in the big city. Adding tension and complication to this scheme is Capser’s involvement in the illegal activities of his estranged father (Aiden Gillen).
In short, I really enjoyed this film. Through the writing, direction and performances, this film offers up a genuine, raw portrayal of rural American life and the people who often feel trapped by it. This is a promising and commendable narrative directorial debut by co-directors Aron Gaudet and Gita Pullapilly.
Beneath the Harvest Sky is currently enjoying a limited, staggered release in select cities and is also available OnDemand and in other digital platforms.
Candice Frederick says
hmmm sounds more interesting than i thought it was. gonna check this out. Thanks!
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