Released in 2007, Talk to Me tells the story of Washington, D.C. radio icon Ralph “Petey” Greene (1931-1984), who was an ex-con, recovering addict and community activist – and his manager Dewey Hughes, who in later years would be known as one of the founders of the Radio One urban radio network.
Directed by Kasi Lemmons (Eve’s Bayou), Talk to Me stars Don Cheadle as Greene alongside Chiwetel Ejiofor as Hughes. Rounding out the main cast are Taraji P. Henson and Martin Sheen.
Even while the film is set around the turbulent times of 1960’s and 70’s, make no mistake, Cheadle and Ejiofor are center stage as their professional and personal relationship plays out on screen. The film creates an effective central tension between the two with Greene, focusing on his role as a truth-teller and ‘voice of the people,’ while business manager Hughes has bigger plans for the irreverent radio personality.
As far as filmed biopics go, this one is pretty solid, thanks in large part to the strength of the aforementioned performances. However, it should be noted that there are more than a few controversies around the “truthiness” of the film and the events that actually took place. To be sure, this is something commonplace for life stories given the Hollywood treatment – so I will allow you the viewer to make of it what you will. I WAS going to make a statement about this not being a documentary, but I thought the wiser of that statement …
But now for the fun part … drop me a line in the Comments section and be eligible to receive one (1) DVD copy of Talk To Me! The packaging (plastic wrapping) has been remove, but the video is unwatched. You have until next Friday, August 29th 5:00PM EST to submit your comment(s). I will pick a name at random and announce that evening.
To make it a little more interesting, I ask that the comment focus on the following question:
If a family raises objections to a biopic, are you more or less inclined to go and see it?