This has been an interesting year to say the least. While it might not have been reflected in my blog posts, I have in fact seen a lot of films. And that is what I want this, my last blog post for 2015 (New York Time) to be dedicated to … giving a shout out to a couple of films I saw (and enjoyed) but for whatever reason, failed to give just due to here on iluvcinema.
Miles Ahead. Saw this on Closing Night of 2015’s New York Film Festival. Written, directed (his debut) by and starring Don Cheadle, this Miles Davis story was definitely a passion project. In recounting the film, I refrain from using the term biopic because Miles Ahead takes a rather atypical look at the artist’s life. It is an entertaining combination of a “day in the life” narrative, mixed with expositional flashbacks, all delivered with humor, drama, imagination and, music (of course). Do not worry if you think you missed it, because you haven’t; you will get a chance to see this one in 2016 as it is scheduled for release on April 1st in the United States – no foolin’.

Macbeth. Directed by Australian director Justin Kurzel (who also is also at the helm of star Michael Fassbender’s forthcoming project Assassin’s Creed), Macbeth was an inventive and engaging take on the Shakespearean tragedy. The accents from the non-Scottish talent may have been amiss at times, but maybe it was my overly sensitive ears. In the end, it mattered little really. After I readjusted myself to the sounds and construction of Shakespeare’s English, I was totally taken in by the stunning performances of Macbeth (Fassbender) and his Lady (Marion Cotillard). This presentation of the time-honored tale of “bloody ambition run amuck” felt fresh and inspired – the quiet unraveling in the midst the chaos of murder, etc. was an interesting thing to watch unfold. Also, for various reasons of late, I have become a great admirer of the rugged, beautiful Scottish landscape. And this film only deepened that appreciation (in other words it was beautifully shot).
That’s all folks! Hope you had fun at the cinema in 2015. And here is hoping for more good times in 2016!