During TCM’s wonderful Summer Under The Stars film festival last week, I was watching Hitchcock’s Spellbound, when the first scene at Pennsylvania Station took place; in that moment, I was reminded of the former grandeur and splendor awarded to Midtown Manhattan transportation hub:
Another shot of the old Penn Station #TCMParty #PeckTCM #Spellbound pic.twitter.com/kJK1Md5ij7
— iluvcinema (@iluvcinema) August 15, 2013
The old Pennsylvania Station: where Bergman and Peck just departed from #TCMParty #PeckTCM #Spellbound pic.twitter.com/xlSQthAfzD
— iluvcinema (@iluvcinema) August 15, 2013
That got me thinking: how many other films (besides Spellbound) were shot at the once iconic location? I say “once iconic” because as anyone who has visited the station in its current incarnation can attest, it is anything but grand and architecturally masterful.
What my research produced was pretty sweet! A lot of you film enthusiasts beat me to the punch and did your own retrospectives on films shots in and around the landmark. So instead of retreading already covered ground, I am using this post as a shout-out of sorts, highlight a few articles that do Penn Station proud:
- Sentimental Journey: New York Penn Station in Film
- The Late, Great Pennsylvania Station
In this book, author Lorraine Diehl highlights some films that took place at Penn Station.
- A New York Times feature from 2007 about the storied location; includes information on Grand Central Terminal as well.
Here is a clip that merges several scenes from Hollywood films that use the landmark as a location (whether actually shot on location or reproduced and filmed on a studio lot).
For further insight of what has since been lost, watch this short clip of the early history of the station:
Lastly, read this 2010 blog post from the Brooklyn Museum.
Great collection…I would love to see a similar post on Grand Central Terminal. But then again, I guess that would be one of the longer post that you would have ever written. 🙂 I was watching Superman (1978) the other day and it brought back found memories of GCT in the thick of things…and of course, most recently, I Am Legend and Marvel’s the Avengers prominently featured the diner across the street from it as well as the quasi-bridge that faces the clock on GCT facing Park. iheartnewyork! 🙂
Ja recently posted..Ten Days Until My Draft, Ten Don’ts For Yours
I will gladly do one on GCT but in the short term watching the movie made me reminisce about the splendor of the former west side transportation hub. I remember years and years ago watching this documentary about the NYC transportation system and hearing a quote that has stuck with me ever since:
“We used to come into New York like Gods when we came into Penn Station. Now we come into the new Penn Station like rats.” (Vincent Sailey)
In my opinion no truer words have ever been said.
iluvcinema recently posted..On Location: Pennsylvania Station in the Movies
That’s a great quote!
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Ooooh I definitely remember this train station in Spellbound. I remember being oh so jealous of Ingrid for having Greg go all kissy-kissy on her [swoon] 😀
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