As we enter the merry month of October, here are a couple of things I am “cinematically” looking forward to:
1. SKYFALL SKYFALL! 26th of October, BFI – ’nuff said!
2. TCM – Wednesdays in October – Classic Horror. Of particular interest to me are:
- The Haunting
- The Uninvited
- Dead of Night
- The Innocents (really, really creepy)
3. In the category of “I always wanted to see it but now that it has received the Criterion treatment, I am reminded that I wanted to see it.” I speak of John Schlesinger’s Sunday Bloody Sunday, which is scheduled for release this month.
4. Last and certainly not least this month I celebrate my 5th Anniversary as a blogger! More fun stuff to come in the coming weeks 🙂 In fact, my official “birthday” was October 1st!